Jul 12, 2005 06:59 PM
(Updated Jul 12, 2005 06:59 PM)
If you are youngster I guess you can ingest/enjoy Maggi and survive/thrive. Don’t give it to your kids though, not even the atta noodles.
They are highly suspect. They don’t taste like atta at all. There was a health programme on television recently and it said that many companies make a fool of consumers by telling them that the product is made from whole wheat. Actually what they do is mix maida and atta and call it atta. We do that for parties when we want to make puris. Mixing atta and maida makes the puris softer and lighter. Companies don’t have the right to do it. Bread companies do it too. The so-called whole-wheat bread is mostly made from maida with a bit of atta thrown in. Real whole-wheat breads are extremely difficult to bake and they taste coarse and grainy. It's easy to tell the difference.
Maggi atta noodles don’t taste like atta or whole wheat. Or is atta really whole-wheat? The term ‘atta’ is very vague. There are no limitations on to how much refining of the flour is allowed to make the wheat into ‘atta.’ So you can make very fine ‘atta’ which is actually only marginally better than maida.
I hate that advertisement where bright happy children demand Maggi over sabzi and roti as if one can equate the sabzi roti with noodles! Its totally misleading because it implies that Maggi Atta noodles are equally healthy.
Maida is wheat flour stripped of all nutrients. The noodles also have chemicals, like other processed foods. So there's really nothing in the noodles, atta or not.