Dec 26, 2015 12:29 PM
(Updated Dec 26, 2015 12:37 PM)
Lux is the most common soap we use at our home for bathing purpose.
We have used different varieties as well like Lux International, Fresh Splash, Strawberry & Cream.
Normally, there is always some cash discount offer when you buy a pack of 3 or 4 of those.
Its Fragrances are CERTAINLY BETTER than most of other soaps and bath is mostly refreshing.
Cleansing effect is good but I don't like its use in winters.
It is a Grade II soap(with TFM 70-75%) and I feel you need a somewhat better or special soap to take care of your skin in winters. A soap like Pears or Medimix is what I would prefer during that season.