I always thought can there be the app of ludo, so I just searched on playstore and then I got this app before 2 months, so I installed this app.
Features, functions and content: The concept it use to entertain.My cousin really amazed by this app.
You can login via facebook or can be a guest login.There write you name, country name and just go through the game.
I must say this is a digital ludo game.
No one can cheat, and cannot miss one's chance while playing this game. when I am alone, I play with computer it is also a feature.with a single click, roll your dice and play the game.
You can play online also.In that, 2 players can play at a time and if you want to leave the game at the mid, you can.
Usefulness: It is very useful to make you less tired, very interesting and good.Sound system in this game is also good.Whenever I get free time I play it.It doesnt show ads while playing game.