₹23.5 L - ₹45.1 L
Possession on: Dec 2018
Status: Ready to Move
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Sep 25, 2021 02:35 PM 9339 views (via Mobile)
(Updated Sep 25, 2021 02:39 PM)

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PLEASE DON'T BUY AT ANY COST. This company has been cheating homebuyers and investors through misleading ads promising them homes but they haven't even finished projects which were started in 2011. Most importantly, they are in deep debt to Noida Authorities so one cannot even register his/her property or sell it. Many buyers have filed cases in RERA and NCDRC but there has not been much progress. So, please don't be misled by their ads on different broking sites, many buyers are already trapped and have lost their savings.

Please see below, the photos attached containing information about the dues the builder owes to Noida Authority and the RERA judgment on delayed possession of homes.

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