Aug 24, 2017 10:11 AM
Logan is american superheo flim produced by marvel entertainment, logan healing ability has slowed and his body has aged, he spends his days drinking and working limo driver paso texas. logan is approached by gabriela lopez, a former nusre from a biotechnological corportion, in the near furture a weary logan cares for an aliling professor X, somewhere on mexiacan border .however logan's attempts to hide from the world and his legacy.
for a total body transformation plan through diet supplement and traning very effective and this acting very wonderful and creative .
background music is very attractive and creative some where totally music nice sound and clearly.
this is fun . so apparently jamws mangold wanted to makes logan as a black and white movies of course the studios would never go for that logan noir as an extra bounce feature of shorts second blue-ray live include both versions. thanking you