Oct 18, 2017 04:59 PM
Its the year 2029 and the mutant population is dying and the X-Men is no more. Logan's(Hugh Jackman) healing factor has weakened and he's got no one but an old and sick Professor Xavier(Patrick Steward) and Caliban(Stephen Merchant). Logan now works as a chauffeur and one day a woman asks him to drive a girl named Laura to the canadian border. Turns out there's more to Laura than meets the eye. Logan is directed by James Mangold who previously directed The Wolverine(2013). Right off the bat Logan is probably the best comic book adapted film of all time, atleast for me it is. James Mangold does an incredible job at creating a not so distant future with a western look and feel to it. Logan is unlike any other superhero movie. It doesn't have cities getting destroyed or Sky beams, stupid sky beams. Its a very realistic, gritty and grounded film that focuses on characters. Its more like a western than a bombastic blockbuster action bonanza like other superhero movies are, not that anythings wrong with that. Logan shows us the real world and how even though Logan, Laura and Prof. Xavier are mutants but they're also humans. They have Human problems. The biggest threat they face isn't some villain who wants to destroy the world but its they're existence. The mutant race is withering and soon they're going to be extinct. Logan is not the Wolverine he used to be, he's weak and vulnerable and so is Prof. Xavier.
The best thing about this movie is that it's grounded in reality even though its based on something fictional. Hugh Jackman was always great as Wolverine but this time he gave it his all, considering the fact that he has decided that Logan would be his outing as the Wolverine. Hugh jackman gave an amazing performance as a broken, vulnerable alcoholic. He's not as fast and strong as he used to be. Its harder for him to dispatch half a dozen enemies which is something he could do literally without breaking a sweat in his prime.
Patrick Steward also gives an incredible performance as the wheelchair bound, sick and grumpy old Professor Xavier. The star of the movie, well apart from Hugh Jackman is Dafne Keen who playes Laura or X-23 who is a lab bred clone of Wolverine. Dafne Keen is acting for the first time which is unbelievable because she was mindblowing as Laura. Also not to forget that Laura says nothing for half the runtime of the movie. Other notable characters like Caliban(Stephen Merchant) and Donald Pierce(Boyd Holbrook) we're very entertaining and the actors did a great job. And for those who have seen Narcos would probably recognize Boyd Holbrook(Donald Pierce).
Let's talk about the action scenes. They are super violent and bloody exactly like they should be in a wolverine movie.
And Logan also gives us a violent and bloody berserker wolverine scene which was much awaited. There's this great hallway scene where no one can move and wolverine has to struggle and take out the bad guys as fast as he can. Dafne Keen shines in her action scenes as well. Her berserker mode is just as terrifying as Logan's.
The writing and the dialogues in the movie are amazing and I really liked the relationship between Logan and Laura and how she shows him that not everything in his life is dark and sad, and that he has people who love and care about him.
Logan is a very emotional movie and its a great sendoff for Hugh Jackman. Hugh jackman will be sorely missed as The Wolverine. I loved that Logan was so different than conventional Superhero movies and that's why its my personal favorite. I highly recommend Logan to every comic book lover and anyone who isn't alike. Logan is a masterpiece.