This serial premiered on 15 April 2014 and I dont know what ekta kapoor want to show
A couple cant get chance to live togather till today almost 3 year passed.
Its not necessary to show loving people emotion by bollywood music or continuos face to face watch or slip from ladder and fall into main hero hand.
O please come on someone give some story to ekta to put in this serial, and stop making kind of these things
Any festival comes in our life ekta put it in serial too
Any new bollywood music get hits it also goes in this serial as a party.
A girl ( Pragya) is trying to protect her husband( Abhi) from bad people around him who is suffering from memory loss( witout meromy loss ekta serial cant be completed) .
Ok I feel actor are good any acting well but no story at all makes it worst.
Ekta kapoor do it all the time, she bother about only one thing that is all of her serial name start with 'k'.