Kumar Builders - Pune Image

Best Builder and best interaction

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Best Builder and best interaction
Nov 03, 2016 11:24 PM 22421 views

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Hi All I am vaibhav Manjare, I am basically from pune only and I took flat in kumar princeville moshi which is developed by kumar properties.

I wanted to share my personal experience with Kumar Properties since lot of people have posted the negative review about Kumar Properties.I am really not sure whether these people are posting fake reviews or they are competitors of Kumar.May be few of the people might have bad experience with kumar but it will be be Kumar KUL Builder not kumar properties I guess.There are two builder wth Kumar name in pune, I took flat from Kumar properties.

Interaction was so professional, they give time to finalize your flat, they give time to do your agreement, they consider your problems.I had really nice experience with them, they handle the things very professional manner.They have delivered my flat with very good quality and good thing about them is whatever they promise you will get it plus few amenities they provide you extra too.They handle the things very smoothly.In fact for your maintenance charges they don't take whole amount for 2 years from you but they take it every quarterly from your flat possession date, rest builders take the maintenance charges one time and also Kumar is not charging anything extra for club house charges.Good thing about Kumar is that their project plan /architecture, you can see every project is unique in architecture and fantastic design too.Every flat well structured and common area's are secured cctv.

I searched all near by properties in Moshi area they are charging same rates like kumar but construction quality is not good for all other builders project.

I will give 5 star to them overall, nice project, nice plan, nice builder.

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