Ktm is an austin company which makes different kind of bikes like racing bike, dirt bikr etc.
My experience of riding ktm duke 125 is lovely.this bike is perfect for beginners who loves to race.all bikes of ktm are fast and the duke 125 is too in its category.stylish looks with best features and power makes this bike so cool
The weight of this bike 148 kg which makes a good balance like duke 200. The power is of 14.5bhp which is very good for this bike.engine displacement is 124.7cc and the price is around 1, 18, 000 approx.
Handling in corners are so smooth and the sound of this bike is unique.this bike is for those who are beginners and really lovrs racing should try once.
My experience I enjoyed and enjoying every day.fuel capacity of this bike is also nice which is 10.7liters.this feels like really riding racing bike, pickup is superb.
This bike beats easily 150cc bikes like pulsar 150, avenger, glamour 150 etc.
And when I defaet them they are like sad that how can a 125cc beat 150cc and I give them not answre, a revbomb, thanks