May 18, 2010 03:23 PM
Hi Friends,
So tell me how many of us have made Mall Shopping our DEAREST HOBBY?? He! He! He! I see, ALL of US maybe.....WHO CAN RESIST THESE EYE-CATCHING MALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for me, I'm Mall CRAZY!
We go to a Mall to Windows Shop and end up Shopping at every Stop. Have you ever wonderered how your Monthly Household Budgets have 'shot-up' sky high?? MALLS of Course!! But whatever anyone may say. I JUST LOVE MALLS.
We residents of Thane have a real Superb Mall near Cadbury's, owned by TATA's and called KORRUM MALL. From all the Malls that I have seen till now, I find KORRUM MALL, the most Comfortable and Enjoyable. Its still in the process of opening up new Stores, and by then, It sure is going to be the 'TALK OF THE TOWN'.
There's just one 'FAUX PAS' there. And that's the Exasperating 'STAR BAZAAR'. For this, I would any day, give 10 more points to 'BIG BAZAR' or 'HYPERCITY'.
But 'STAR BAZAR' seems to take out all the 'Stars' from the Bazar!!!! wish the 'TATA'S WUD DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS INFURIATING STORE'.
This is the only 'Bazar' where you find Absolutely Apathetic Staff. All of them are busy 'chatting' unconcerned of the customers!! If you want to know something of a product and ask a 'Sales Staff', they will just innocently blink their eye-lashes and say "We don't know Madam". And that's the 'Answer' that gets my Steam blowing Hot. I then as sweetly as possible ask them "Then what are You here for Darling?".
Why have so many Staff around the Store when they are all Ignorant of the Products on Sale???
Another even more Irritating sore point is when you come especially for a Specific Product and you can't find it, and when you ask the Sales Staff loitering on the floor, "Where is This?". Pat comes the readymade answer "Madam, It Is Out Of Stock". These are probably the Most Annoying Words that a Customer visting a Store would like to hear.
Just for example, yesterday we saw an Advertisement in the newspapers about some new Birla Air Coolers 'Breezy Elite' with remote and me and my dad went over to this Star Bazar to buy it. Can you Believe???????? The day of Advertisement, In the Peak of Summer, 'Star Bazar' staff coolly tells you 'It is Out of Stock'. I was so Peeved, I asked that Staff "Why did they Advertise and make people come all the way and then say 'Its Out of Stock'?". The sales boy could not find a reply and I asked for the Manager. He fumbled something and went searching and dragged another staff with him, who claimed to be in charge of Food Section. Again I argued with him and he also did not have an answer. I was by then so enraged, I told them, to give me the name of the Store Manager. They would not disclose the same for some time. Then they told me it was some Mr. Raj Duggal. No one knew where he was at that time, Can You Believe It??????
The same way, if you go to the Clothes Section and want a particular size, first you go on a Hunting Trip to find a Sales Girl to assist you and then when you ask her for a particular size in the garment, she will just 'Totally Indifferently' answer you "Out of Stock Hai Madam."
The most 'Killing Section' is the 'Food Section'. Here you are heated up to such an extent, you just feeling like jumping inside and packing the food yourself!!!!!!!! The SLOW MOVEMENTS of the staff there, kills your appetite, especially when you are Hungry and waiting to get your plate or waiting for your order to be packed. The boys and girls inside the counter will be talking and giggling and weighing and packing and then double checking this and that and that and this, while you stand outside 'Fuming' for the bill and your packet. This Section should be called 'THE STAR SNAILS'.
Except for this 'SNAIL STAR BAZAR', the rest of KORRUM MALL IS SIMPLY WONDERFUL. We have the Lovely 'MOCHI' , shoe shop there,, where you would want to buy all they shoes on display, their patterns of shoes are just 'out of this world'.
Then you have the Trully Money Worth 'Reliance Stores', there and you bet you can get the Best Buys from Reliance Trendz at the Best Prices.
A lot of Electronic Stores, Big Sports Brands, WESTSIDE, my Favourite Clothes Store.....I LOVE THEM.
The Ground Floor is decorated so well this summer with Lovely thermacol Flowers and butterflies. One thing you'd Love at this Mall is the Ambience. Outside there are lovely waterfalls and inside the Cool Lovely Ambience makes you want to stay in there all day.
The Food Court is still to be done up as it just has that boring 'Kailash Parbat' there. And a nice Ice-Cream and Hot Dogs Bar. At this point, I do want to tell all 'Future Malls' in the opening, "Please Set up Your Chai, Coffee Stall first". Its so agonizing, to shop and then go to the Food Court to have some 'Desi Chai' or 'South Indian Coffee', and be told that there are 'only cold drinks' available. Yaar which Desi Indian would not like to have a Cuppa of Desi Chai and Delicious Coffee when Tired.......?
So, Friends, just wait a few months more, for all the Stores on all the Floors to open and then visit our Thane's Pride 'KORRUM MALL'. Bet you, You will Not Regret It.
Well if you as ask me "Which is My Favourite Store in KORRUM MALL", me Cattie will surely give 10 out of 10 to my Favourite WESTSIDE. THEY HAVE GOT EVERYTHING THERE THAT A WOMAN WUD LOVE TO WEAR.
Here's Wishing My Korrum Mall All Success!