Dec 12, 2017 02:02 PM
I am a fan of Sasikumar's direction and have liked his previous movies. But his performance in this movie is not very appreciable. A repeated story plot only makes the audience sleep in theatres. Sasikumar has a good scope as a director, but as an actor he does not score great. The acting by some of the supporting actress was okay types, though not very great job. The Director should have choosen a better cameraman atleast. The movie shots and lighting used are not contradicting each other. The intro song looks bit good. That was the only part the audience could find enjoyable in the whole movie sequence. However, not all songs in the movie are good. Towards the second half even the songs are bad. Inspite of having good cast they have given a boring movie. Overall, watching this film was a disappointing experience for me and most of audience.