Apr 13, 2016 11:46 AM
It is a college with many ambitious dreams. not just for itself but for the students. their motto'Born to Lead' will be induced into the heart beat of every individual(both students and faculty alike) associated with the college.
I am delighted to see the careers of the those who entered the portals as confiding individuals but shaping into confident persons. The chrysalis-ing experience of the students is remarkable.
The college believes in being conventional. even when received with criticism. it holds on to its roots. But all in the best interest in the careers of students.
The programs offered at the college are innovative, path-breaking and up-to-the-industry. Facilities are decent and the opportunities to develop are innumerable. Intellectual and Cultural pursuits are weighed in par.
A holistic development is what the institution aims for.
I would recommend all my readers this institution, if you want your wards to be a Leader. "Born to Lead"