Dec 24, 2015 07:10 PM
We bought Kent RO Grand Plus Water Purifier almost 3 years back, may be slightly more.
Price was 13, 000 - 13, 500 Rs. I think that was a big price at that time.
Capacity: 8 Litres
Installation was done the next day. The RO's connection was done with overhead water tank, we have at home's top.
Quality of filtered water you get:
Taste wise, no one will like it. Health & safety wise, I can give it full marks, and I will tell you why.
The water tank at our home's top is hand made using bricks and cement. Its covered with 2 big rectangular cemented structures. There are slight gaps in between the space where these two touch each other.
Although we have covered the gaps well, one day a rat found its way into that tank. We didn't know when it happen. But we found some foul smell in and around our house. After 4-5 hours, we realized that it was coming from almost every place, where we opened a tap. Then, we ran to the top, and found that foul smell coming from the overhead tank. We realized the truth and called a person to clean that tank.
During those 4-5 hours, few family members had already consumed RO's water. But thankfully, no one had any health issue at all. Everyone was in perfect health.
So, I can bet that filtered water you get is safe and good for your health.
Yes, we found a couple of services done by company to be expensive. Now, we have personal service man but still it is very costly and we have to spend Rs. 2500 to 3000+ every year easily. There are at least 4 filters I think inside and one of them will go down now and then. Also, you can easily break tap's top handle. So, Handle it carefully. It can move 360 degrees and water may start leaking sometimes from tap if you don't make the correct positioning.
Overall, quality wise very good, but cost, service & maintenance is very expensive and that should make you think again.