Jun 17, 2008 03:51 PM
I couldn't find a suitable title for this in Member Advices/Tips coloumn so I am writing it here.
There are certain movies that didnt get enough recognition when they were released but then went on to become classics through dvds and home videos.An example from hollywood is The shawshank redemption.
Well, i have picked up 2 movie-Anbe Sivam and **Iruvar.
Anbe sivam**-Had a novel theme .The performances were extraordinary. kamal hassan proved again why he is a cinematic genius.His performace was so brilliant that giving him a mere national award would be a big shame.May be thats why they didnt give him.
May be the reason why it flopped was the communist ideology and principles didnt go down well with the society.The audience who were fed on a steady diet of masala entertainers didnt have the heart to accomodate a movie like anbe sivam.May be it was soft and tender and didnt have any violence or exposure which tamil audience had got used to.May be the message was so simple that the audience were puzzled as to why they made a film out of it.
Iruvar-This film would have flopped even if it was marketed properly.There are so many reasons.One, Prakashraj always mouths chaste tamil which the front beanchers would find irritating after 5 minutes.Two, the subject is so deep that a person who has a liking for off beat films only would appreciate it.Three, Mohanlal and Prakashraj didn't even exist in Tamil Cinema at that time and so the audience was skeptical and uninterested.
Four, The charecters of Anandan and Tamilselvan were potrayed as human with all their flaws which obviously would not go down well with the audience who considers stars as part of their lives.Some made temples for them.Many even died when they died.But for all its volatile subject iruvar surprisingly didnt garner any controversy!
But classics, like truth cannot be bottled down.As the saying goes, nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come..a classic will emerge and gain acceptance ad accolades when the time comes.