Nov 27, 2017 06:11 PM
Firstly, lets write about the story the story is awesome the dialauge delivery by the n.t.r is awesome and enjoyed alot during the movie and laughed alot and the performance, the performance by the hero is more exciting per every second and that too when the daialauge was deliveried and I was just started laughing than other in the diater.
plot:the story was awesome and the direction, script writing, editing, sound effects, background music has entertained very well and hope that it will go further very well.
performance:the performance of the actors is entertained a lot and when you re in seeing the movie the seen in the ending makes you cry and that too sure and the performance done by n.t.r is ultimately awesome and hope it wll be most amazing and most exciting
music:we should compulsorily want to talk about the bgm.the bgm entertains very well in case it is only the one which makes a main role in editing and songs is aweosme and the dance is also awesome and the performance skill are ultimately done by n.t.r and the music is very well and the music will make you crying at the starting and at the ending
cinematography:let we talk about cinematography the movie is related to that when brthers are shown some similarity beteen them what will they will become like and that is why this mvie has made audience cry for a long time and hope you will definitely love this
and this is the conclusion is that this is the one which makes you laugh, cry, happy, sad, simple, hard, small, bigg and all this is made by the movie jai lava kusa and hope you all will definitely see this