Nov 01, 2015 07:09 AM
I am sure that now you must be aware of online shopping procedure on Jabong. It is time to share my ownexperience with this site. It was my first purchase on this site. Actually, I was afraid that the delivered product may turn out to be a damaged one. Finally I decided to shop on Jabong via cash on delivery payment method.The product was a pack of 2 T-shirts worth Rs.699. There was a 40% discount on the product, the payable price amounting to only Rs.419 The t-shirts were of orange and grey colors. The brand was'Phosphorus'. Even after I chose the cash on delivery option, I was still afraid my product might be a damaged. After ordering the product I got a confirmation call from Jabong. I confirmed this was an automated computerized call. After some time, I selected the cancel option for I thought the call was a fake one and I got the same call from them again. After this, the call was connected to the customer care canter of Jabong. Talking to them, I cleared all my doubts about the return and refund policy. This was a relief for me. I had ordered the t-shirts of size'L'. I askedthem if the t-shirts didn't fit me then what shall I do. They gave me a positive response that if it happens, I need not panic. I was told that I couldinform them about it; send back the product in its original packing and themoney will be refunded. After placing the order, I got the product within 4-5business days. An additional charge of Rs.39 for cash on delivery option made. So, the total cost was Rs.458 for me. There was no defect in the t -shirts I received. I want to say one more thing about their packing- it is awesome. From their packing, it is clear that are they ensure a 100% secure transaction. Now I'm using these t-shirts and faced no problem. Ijust love them. Now I'm sure that I willgo to Jabong for my next online purchase. What about you? .