Dec 07, 2004 03:05 PM
(Updated Dec 07, 2004 03:05 PM)
I have been using Iqara's broadband service for the past 3 weeks and have already given up on them. It took Iqara 4 months to install and commission the service and this was after making scores of calls to various people in the company. It was only when I asked for a full refund that they acted.
My apartment has concealed wiring.
Most of the flat purchasers in this new building opted for Iqara's service and asked them to make the wiring when the building was under construction. But Iqara decided that it was unnecessary even after promising that all connections will be made before the flats are ready.
Another false promise made was that connection will be available in all the rooms. In reality they drilled in my wall (forget concealed, dangling wires is more aesthetic) and gave a connection at only one place.
Speed is alright and generally you are connected in one shot but god forbid if you have any technical issues. The standard method is to call the customer service number and talk to a dumb a ss who thinks ipconfig is a solution to all problems. He gives you a complaint number and says that someone will call me ASAP. When I ask what ASAPmeans he/she says he can't say for sure. If you decide to wait paitently for their call then you will only get old. The only way things work is to call up and fire the sales guy who made you all the promises and ask for a refund.
To summarize - Go for Iqara if they are the only vendor in your area as soon as an option is available quit with full refund. The service is quite pricy as well - works out to about Rs 3 per Mb including taxes.