Feb 16, 2011 11:49 PM
I had the misfortune of falling for their loud advertisements and took an appointment at the Jayanagar outlet of Inspirations. I had little inkling of what fate awaited me. I am used to having to wait inspite of prior appointments. But the staff here is late and they had to accommodate some important people at the last moment. Which meant I had to wait for more than an hour till the service areas were ready. Let the term "Service area" not fool anyone. It's dinghy and damp and poorly lit. The spa masseur was so untrained and hurt me so bad that my shoulders were sore for a week afterward. The oil quality was suspect and it smelled really bad.
The worst part was the lady who did eyebrows. She probably was a trainee as she was extremely diffident about doing the brows. Eventually someone else became free and she asked the other person to continue. But by that time, the damage had been done. My eyebrows were so badly cut that it was irreparable damage. It's been 2 months and it's still not fully fixed.
So I am not falling prey again to this outlet. I don't know about other branches. But the Jayanagar branch in Bangalore is extremely poor.