Jun 26, 2016 06:52 PM
My subscription did not start until Oct 20th, that too after my first email to you dated Oct 16, 2015. My subscription was to run from issues dated 20/10/2014 to 12/10/2015.
The Mar 16 issue was the last ever issue I received. Several issues before that had either been delivered late or not at all.
I had requested, via Case Id 3634554, for cancellation of my subscription with immediate effect. Also refer to Case ID 3643633 and Case Id 3648937. Kindly refer to all my email correspondence to you.
I had not received a single issue after the issue dated March 16. Now after a gap of 5 months you have suddenly restarted delivering issues, with the issue of Aug 17, sent via India Post.
It is clear that they have no respect for the customers, but only for their money. Now that they have to release my money, apparently they are complicating the situation purposefully to force me to give up. I sincerely request India Today Top management to display professional behaviour and refund my long-pending money from both subscriptions immediately.