May 26, 2001 11:28 AM
The most distressing news that I came across yesterday was the Warning given to Imran in the Community. Once again we are making same mistake that we did some fifty years back. The mistake which separated Father from Sons, Husband from Wife, and Soul from Body.
That was most Tragic to see. Imran is very close friend of mine,( we exchange lot of M2M ) but I don’t think he alone is responsible for the entire mud-sledding going on MS on Imran's reviews. Asyis is equally responsible, because he is the one who goes personal on Imran. No asyis I am not Imran's wife as one Member pointed in M2M to me.
India and Pakistan
Why People of Both countries have so much hatred for each other?
How long are we going to be so intolerant towards each other?
I mean, we are fifty years past Independence and still the hatred continues.
The problem with hatred is that no one gains anything from it. On the other hand it consumes so much of our energy and time. That ‘s tragic. We are from the same gene pool; remember we were brothers and sisters once…. We were one for thousands of years before tragedy struck us in the form of Partition. Why can't we live like one big happy family? We should spread love among each other before it's too late!
The history of the world has shown us that hatred has always led to war and it has destroyed societies time and time again. People from both sides need to be matured now. For that we need people who talk peace and not hatred. We need people with vision! People who are smart enough to understand that there is lot to gain culturally, socially and even politically when one extend a hand in friendship than when somebody extend hatred and point it at somebody. We need Common platform where People from both the countries can come together as a single community and share their feeling, experiences with each other and which place better than Mouthshut to do it!
Enough is enough. No more abuse. No more hatred. No more sledding. It’s taking us nowhere; than to the path of self-destruction. It’s enough. Together we can be a force to reckon with.
We must extend hand of friendship to everyone especially to members from neighboring country.
Because one have to understand the terrific power of hatred. It is an awesome force. It infects people like a deadly virus. It enters the human system and eats up every fine quality, it creates a fever of fanaticism. Hatred has a way of possessing you, even consuming you, in the way that love never does, at least, not with such horrifying results. We have to deliberately choose love over hatred. “LOVE IS THE ONLY FORCE CAPABLE OF TRANSFORMING AN ENEMY INTO FRIEND” Love is the only way to peace.
“Love is a State” said Bhagwan Rajneesh, “ In which nobody is superior, in which both are fully aware that they are different, that their approach to life is different, that they think differently, and still-with all theses differences-they love each other”
Come; Let us take this brilliant opportunity on Mouthshut to create a jovial atmosphere and peace with each other.