Aug 16, 2011 05:39 PM
(Updated Aug 16, 2011 05:39 PM)
Though the product is good. Once you get any trouble, you are done. The service personal will make your life horrible nightmare. They will force you to go for AMC. AMC as a such is good. But the reason why they are forcing for the AMC is that the service personal are highly unskilled and they don't know what the problem is. They try to replace everty thing on earth realted to the machine under the name of AMC. God knows if they get new parts or the parts that they pluck from some other non working machines. They will take one part at a time and see what happens. Other than the customer care, you don't have any other contact number. If you press more, they will give the contact number of some person, whom they call Manager and the service person doesn't think he or she is a Manager. Any time you call the so called Manager, the cell will be ringing and no response. Or some one will pick and say, he/she left the phone at home. God knows how much is the truth.
My recomendation is don't buy as the service after sales is too bad.