Idea sim better than other networks.
I prefer my as idea in last 4.5 years beacuse of my friend choosen that sim to me starting. I choose that sim for unlimited balance. Like jio sim.
I got this for 350 rupees totally 84 days. It gives to me internet as daily 1GB data and unlimited local and roming calls for free.
That time I very excited because it gives facilities for small cost.
I prefer my data for using youtube and whatsapp, twitter, facebook etc. After many days it alerta. Me to over of unlimited balance in my sim. Next time the rates will increased now in. Jan 6 2018. The offer of unlimited was increased. I reacharged with 448 rupees it was give daily 1GB internet, unlimited calls, daily 100 sms. So I am full of HAPPY. Because I got this same offer at low cost but some time the network will down at villages.
Simply the idea sim is better for using net a town and using calls of unlimited pack service.
I choose idea. I give a advice to you to TAKE THE IDEA SIM. For unlimited services. It gives, unlimited services. For unlimited calls+ daily 1GB internet at 199 rupees. For 28 days.
My prefer for unlimited was unlimited calls+ daily 100 sms + 1GB internet at 509 rupees for 91 days. But network connections will irritate you.
Would like to buy idea sim. Very best network.