May 01, 2015 11:36 AM
(via Mobile)
(Updated May 01, 2015 11:36 AM)
This is regarding idea Chhattisgarh number. This number is active since last 10 years. Retention my father took a micro sir from idea care at old Bus stand bilaspur on 20th of april. He has submitted all required documents but from last two days his phone is temporary out of service.
The idea store some how missed or nt send the required documents. They are asking from last two days to wait.Could you please let us know is the way customer are treated in idea? When he has submitted the docs on 20th why he is suffering for no reason.
This is just because of so its responsible service what idea is offering. The customer care number of madhyapradesh, ppl are just keep ing you on hold for more than 5min.common.! Intentionally the idea representative hoardings number 07692814676 is just rejecting your call? Whats is going on?
Pathetic service leaving to highlights dissatisfied customer.