Feb 10, 2016 10:32 PM
If there was ever an award for poor writing, I would recommend Ravinder Singh in I Too Had A Love Story for it. There are errors of syntax, and outright grammatical mistakes aplenty. The story is the corniest that has ever been put on paper.
A girl once told me this book was a user's manual as far as Love is concerned, and that is what got me curious about the book and resulted in me reading it. To this day I repent the time I spent reading it. There is not one good sentence in the whole book.
First of all the plot is completely improbable. Secondly, the protagonists are either really naive(which is very unlikely) or they are shrewd and are dishonest about it. Either way, it is not a good experience for the reader.
There is a belief in narrative arts that if there is a tragic ending to a story, it is a good story. I Too Had A Love Story makes use of that very misplaced notion. That is probably why it became such a bestseller.