Jun 05, 2006 06:04 AM
This was my first Microsoft Pocket PC based cell phone. I had a lot of fun with it in the begining, and really liked the features that it gave me. But then with time, it started to become unreliable. The OS hung a few times during operations. This is extremely irritating when you are in a hurry to make calls. Also, it is almost impossible to use this phone with one hand. But then this a problem with all PDA phones.
The processor is little over 400 MHz and that is sufficiently powerful. I found the memory of 64 MB a bit too low and had to buy a 1 GB add on memory for 3000 Rs. Then this phone became very useful.
The phone finally died after one year of use. The screen alighment got messed up and could not be fixed. I now own a I MATER JASJAR.