Aug 10, 2017 10:54 PM
I am a very old customer of hyunndai but now I think I have choosen a wrong car. I am frustrated with the service of hyundai. I purchased a hyundai eon in October 016. today when I was going for my important workthe car was not started now battery was fully dead, even not able to open it with remote. I have registerd same complaint on 31 march also.this is happend for me 2nd time. I do not know what is the problem, Earlier the issue was resolved by the samara hyundai for the same issue. Although the issue was resolved but but I was not happy with the service because I have been brifed by samara exicutive and they me that the problem is not with the battery or anything and they convenced me, that your running of a car is very less. that's why this problem is happening. salary emply is pretty well, and no job security is here .
2.carre growth little hazy
3.Ceo Rating 10/5
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