I own this car( new 2017 model) for about 4 months now and it does not hold any of the promise made at the time of purchase.
Lets first talk about the leg room and interior. You will a smooth steering, good AC at desent leg room in the front as well as in back. The seats are good with no adjustable headrest. The interior went from new to dull to dusty in no time. There plastic quality is so cheap that it gains any scraches very easily. Driver air bag is available but that is where security ends. In the price of 6 lakhs there is no ABS, no rear camera. The music system is worst, they wont allow you to install from after market on the name of warranty.
Dealer satisfaction is average, they will always be super busy that they just answere your essential questions and would just be selling you their accessories. There motive is to shell out as much as money they can. They were offering a CNG kit for 67k extra, which cost 30k aftermarket.
The mileage it gives in summer and AC ON is 13-14 kmpl and it drops to 11-12 in heavy traffc. This is not the car if you are choosing it for mileage. After market cng kit would work well in this car.
It is a comfortable car, no doubt about it, but there is a large amountof bodyroll if you try to turn it sharply.
It feels reliable till now, but I have done just single service till now. Service cost around 5k with no major change so it is expensive. This car appeals to only for city drive and do not take it to highway.