Jul 26, 2008 05:56 PM
(Updated Jul 26, 2008 06:00 PM)
I had a HTC Touch Handset , purchased on 2007 , Nov.Recently this handset was behaving erratically , so I have called HTC Service Call Centre. Call Centre Executive , promply responded and asked me to hard reset the handset, I did the hard reset ( I lost all the data ) it worked for a day , then the problem statrted again
Now the Executive to told to visit service center and gave a call id. I promply sent my office boy to service centre 4th July , 2007. Some engineer took the handset and spoke to me saying that the handset has software issue , The service engineer did something and gave the hanset back to the boy and informed him that the battery is discharged , charge the battery handset will work fine
He brought the hanset, when I checked the handset was dead , charged the battery , handset was getting extremely heated , just to check the battery I opened the backcover ,
I got a shock of a life , to see that the some of the hanset was components has come out on my hand. Spoken to every one from call center to service , even to HTC India Service Head's, Tiwan HTC. Till today the handset is the same condition.
Just thinking of going legal. A Highly dissatified customer