Hey Everyone.
seriously cracks. They do not service products under warranty. Beware guys, before buying any damn hp product. Your products have a high chance of not getting serviced even its under warranty. They'll show you "according to their crap measurements", your product is working fine and "it should work that way" and you can't do anything about it because YOU CHOSE HP by trusting the brand name. They have not only zero priority for customer satisfaction, they have no promise to customer as well when it comes to post-sales service. SPECIALLY ANY HP NOTEBOOK under WARRANTY is returned with NO CHANGE and the service is marked DONE. No matter how much ever expensive product you buy from them, they'll lie to you about their default performance and will AT ANY COST NOT service your product by faulty part replacements. Mine was a Core i7, 8 gig RAM, 2 gb graphics model, they didn't care solve its battery issue. They give faulty battery that doesn't even last for 1 year ! And your expensive laptop is supposed to last for 6-7 years easily right? Which means HP wants you to purchase a new laptop battery with 3300 rupees every damn year! THIS IS HOW THEY CON THE CUSTOMERS! THEY WILL "NEVER" REPLACE A FAULTY PRODUCT EVEN IF ITS UNDER WARRANTY. I SUFFERED COMPLAINING 1000-s of HP CENTER THROUGH 3 MONTHS, ALL IN VAIN!