Dec 04, 2015 10:17 PM
I was in Amway business and Amway people recommend this type of Self Development book. I read this book long time back in 2002 given by my friend who was my business partner. This was my first ever book to be read on Self Development. I thought it was just a normal book and had no idea of the content. But to my astonishment when I started reading it, I found that book was very interesting about How to talk with the people in this world be it of any Caste, Creed, Religion, color Or whatever, treat them in a way as the author Dale Carnegie has told. Dale Carnegie was himself a good public speaker and author of course. I completed the book and started to implement the things as told by the author, the results were fantastic.
In the I'll say merely reading this book will not do, you've to implement the things as told by Mr. Dale Carnegie and see the results, be it your father, mother, friend, stranger everybody will start to love and respect you. Buy this book immediately.