May 29, 2012 01:35 AM
My Honda Civic AC wasnt working, and I sent it to an Authorised Honda showroom. I was told the AC coil has to be replaced.But viola! Rs. 21, 500 for a new AC Coil.! If just the coil costs this much, what is the total cost of the Car AC? All spare parts of this car are so expensive, if we had to replace half the parts in the car, it would exceed Rs. 20 lacs!
Change of AC coil, AC service costs Rs. 26, 000.! Would request Honda to publish the list of the car parts and their prices.only then we should buy any Honda Car in the future. Why cant they do the same as Harley Davidson which has a book with details of each part and prices. Doesnt matter if parts are expensive or cheap. At least we know what are we going into?
Look into the future before you buy a Honda car.!