Jan 12, 2016 12:30 AM
(via Android App)
(Updated Jan 12, 2016 12:30 AM)
I bought this scooter 6 months ago and its been the greatest and most useful investment in my life. I bought it from my frst salary and it worths every single penny .
The acceleration of this scooter is as swift as a butterfly
Self start is a wonderdful feature for my mother.
In the last season of winter when ever engine goes cold the auto choke helped alot to self start and warm up the engine.
The design is so fashionable and sleek and suitable for both the genders. It looks bulky but it weighs less.
The accecories and other feature that came along with the scooter are also wonderful and affordable. The honda engine comes with the greatest technology. No vibration even above 60 km / hour. Wonderful product by honda