Homeshop18 is a online shopping site which provides you with a variety of products and services which includes home necessities products which can be used for daily purpose such as electronic items, groceries, containers for serving food, cup and soccer set or even dinner set.Observing the promotional ads given on television and the offers they provide to us, I ordered a clothes hanging stand so that the problem of wet clothes will be solved during the rainy season.
But I am really disappointed with the quality of the product they give us. The stand that I had ordered was of rs 1000 and the quality of the stand was so dull that its parts were breaking down within a month and it was under warranty period for 6 months as said by Homeshop18 team.
Today the same stand is getting on other online sites in low price and in much better quality than that I had bought.
Not at all worth it for buying any product.