The Himalaya under eye cream retails for Rs 190 for 15ml of the product. Easily available online as well as offline. I bought it from amazon at just Rs 143 which is quite affordable. It comes in a cardboard box pakaging on which all the necessary details are written on it. Inside, there is a small tube bottle which has a narrow nozzle for taking out generous amount of product out. It is hygienic and easy to use. Also it is handy and travel friendly product too. I could see a difference after using this Himalaya under eye cream for 1 month regularly. It lightens the under eyes by reducing the dark circles and also blurs fine lines. The product claims to reduce the darkness from under eyes upto 50% within 4 weeks but I don't agree completely. It takes time and needs patience for cure. However it does its job good with respect to time. I apply it everyday at night before sleep and massage the eyes in circular motion for proper blood circulation. The consistency of the product is neither too thick nor too thin. It easily smoothly blends over the under eyes. It does not make eyes greasy or oily. It quickly absorbs into the skin. Suitable for normal, dry, oily and combination skin types. Himalaya is a good and famous brand which most of the people trust upon. Overall I liked it. Yes I do recommend you guys to give it a try.