Feb 14, 2016 07:09 PM
(via Mobile)
(Updated Feb 14, 2016 07:18 PM)
I am a regular user of hike, initially my taste was towards whatsaap but then after using hike I became a regular usage of itself.
I prefer hike because.
-it is an Indian app.
-it has a beautiful and a colorful interface.
-there are options to post status, opinions, raising polls and many more options in hike .
-there exist a homepage which is absent in whatsapp where people can use it to post their thoughts and comments on various happenings
-there are options to send word documents in hike.
-music files are also capable of being sent via hike.
-even we can send free GSM messages .that should be cool
Thus, in comparison to whatsaap I would prefer hike because of the range of features that it offers.and moreover its an Indian.