EXPEDIENT HEALTHCARE MARKETING PRIVATE LIMITED is working closely with MouthShut.com to enhance customer satisfaction.
My mother is an UTI and cancer patient and she needs to undergo tests every week. I booked the test ( Booking id-9373789103) and got the report which is completely absurd and wrong. I immediately got the tests done by another trusted lab ( Shriram Pathology Lab, Meerut) and found that the report shared by Healthians is completely wrong. Being a UTI patient, my mother has always pus cells in her urine and it is evident in last 3-4 tests done in the past and doctor’s investigations as well. But Healthians reports says ‘ No pus cells’ surprisingly. My mother is going through Chemotherapy and she never had haemoglobin more than 11 ever, but Healthier report says 11.9.
This proves that the reports are being published without proper testing and hence the prices are being kept as low.
Also when i raised the complaint ( complaint id-5218996) and requested for re-testing, the shameless company executives denied the same. Can someone help me as whom to escalate this further and how i can get my money refunded or re-tests done by the company?