Apr 21, 2020 12:14 PM
(via Android App)
(Updated Apr 26, 2020 07:08 AM)
I went to open a savings account with HDFC Bank about 2 months ago. As soon as I saw a new customer in the branch, an average beautiful girl came to me with the intention of helping me. I said that I want to open a new savings account, then that assistant girl started telling me the benefits associated with the savings account. Most of the bank's benefits did not work for me, I had to open an account for a simple transaction. I asked how much minimum balance maintain will have to be done. She said ₹; 10, 000. I said only ₹; 5000 can be maintained. You tell me some way to open an account in ₹; 5000 only. But she refused. I was thinking that when the account is opened with minimum balance maintain from 0 to 2000 in the government banks, then why not open it there?