Dec 22, 2015 01:24 AM
HATE STORY is the most sentuation and most open love movie in the india.this series is mostly famous for its bold scenes given in the movie.this is the 3rd part of that steamy movie but it lacks all the famous parts which are the key factors of the movie series.the cast of the hate story 3 is not very great but it cannot be said bad.the songs of the movie is very good and there are very less bold scenes in the movie.
The story of the movie is very baseless and the characters which are playing there role are very intimate.the acting of some of the cast is good but all the other cast is very over.the story of hate series is meant to be filled by the hate but in ths part there is lack of hate the whole movie is done by the unknwn man there is no clue that who is he.and at the end the whole mystry is lost in one second.the movie is not good.