Jul 17, 2007 04:20 PM
(Updated Jul 18, 2007 11:50 AM)
Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix Warner Bros. Though I am not a Harry Potter fan, and I hate it. (Potter fans please excuse me for any factual mistakes I make), I went to catch the portrayal of the fifth book of the series on celluloid. I mainly go because I love special effects. Anyway, on with the important stuff. Viewers find Harry and the students of Hogwarts in serious trouble from the Ministry of Magic. The Minister thinks that Dumbledore is raising an army of students to overthrow him and that has made him lose his reasonable mind. In the beginning, Harry and Dudley is attacked by dementors in the unmagical (I made that word up) world.
Harry uses Expecto Patronum to save them, but he later finds himself liable for expulsion for illegal use of magic. Anyway, Dumbledore saves his skin in the trial. But then Hogwarts finds a new threat in the shape of the new Defence against the Dark Arts teacher. She is a total, (how should I say this without being indecent?), she is EVIL. In order to make sure that Dumbledore doesn't raise an army, she makes all kinds of restrictions and puts them upon the students. Harry and the others don't like it and they decide do something about it.
On the other hand there is the Dark Lord himself, Lord Voldemort, (Did you really think I would be scared to say his name? Yeah Right) is back but no one except Ron and Hermoine believe him. And Harry gets these strange visions at night which turn out to be true. And as you all know, Sirius Black dies in this movie.
I won't spoil your interest by revealing more of the plot. The graphics and sound are superb as always. The actors all deliver nice performances. The fact that the cast is getting more mature can be clearly seen. They aren't the kids they were when the series began. Along with age their acting power has also increased and they are becoming better actors with each movie and are carrying their parts exceptionally well. The other actors all give their usual best, Snape being my favourite. The camera work is brilliant and so is the music. Another thing viewers will like is the dialogue; no other film in the series has such funny dialogues. Some will make you fall out of your seat with laughter. The plot has a lot of twists and turns, and you will remain glued to your seat for the entire length of the movie. Overall, I will call it a must watch. It was a fully satisfactory experience for me and I bet Potter lovers and haters will love it alike.