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You Know What --- It Rocks
Jan 22, 2004 12:20 PM 2250 Views
(Updated Jan 22, 2004 12:21 PM)



Once I completed the enthralling first book of Harry Potter's I started looking for BBS (BEG BORROW STEAL) the second one i.e. Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets . Eventually after a couple I did get hold of one and didnt leave it till I completed it a couple of days back .

Another spell bounding affair I just wonder how the author comes up with such amazing details for such unbelievable events. And thats why we all feel like there might be a whole world like that. Oh.. just to imagine that .... awesome!!!She gives so much importance to finer details that gets you floored. Just as I wrote in my review of the first book the Aura of Believable Characters that makes Harry Potter Series such a hit.Another thing to note is the fast paced story line. The story keeps moving as the pages flutter and you never know when you reached the end.

So whats it all about!! Harry Potter has gone to second year at Hogwarts, the school of wizards. A new term at school, A new professor, a new Quidditch Cup, a new set of mysteries to be unravelled . So plenty of things to look forward to.

So how is this book compared to the first one ?? I know they shouldnt be but I couldnt resist it. As per me , this one is slightly better than the first one. For a reader like me who is bred on mysteries, thrillers of all kinds this one is a better read since it has more scope for all these genres. I hope the author adds more such punches in the next few series.

On the cons front , I was reading somewhere that these books depict too much of violence. Since majorly read by the young folks critics found this hard to fathom . I also distinctly feel that sometimes it really goes over the top but still seeing so much happening around the world these days and everybody having access to these thanks to technology I dont think this is a fair criticism.

I now look fwd. to reading the 3rd one which I have already got (BORROWED) and lucky me , I have arranged for the 4th one also ( I begged one of my friends to borrow it from his friend you know ;) ) . Hope my friends friend is not reading this one.


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Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets - J K Rowling