Jan 06, 2007 02:17 PM
Is it possible to make a movie which can be a treat to your ears, eyes and your feet? Yes, Very much. Happy Feet is a movie which does exactly that. It leaves you thinking so many aspects about the film. The Music, Dances and the story has been made very well and this movie has emerged out a true winner.
The Story.
Mumble, a baby penguin is born to Memphis and his wife, Norma. He is not like other baby penguins. Ok, let me tell what all baby penguins are destined to do. All the babies have a song called'the Song of their Heart'. Now, Mumble doesn't have any such song. In fact, Mumble can't sing at all. This is considered a disgrace by the elderly penguins of the colony. Due to this, Mumble is also not given the so-called Graduation which other penguins get.
But, Mumble specialises in something else. Something which no penguin has done before. He is gifted with peppy feet which go tap-tap when he hears good music. But, this unique quality of Mumble doesnt attract the penguins of the Iceberg and they isolate him from the others.
Now, Mumble is chased by a Leopard Seal and he successfully escapes the seal to find himself in company with a set of 4 small sized, punk penguins. These penguins become very close to Mumble. the 5 roam and dance together.
Now, here's another storyline in the film. Apart from the fun, dance and music, Mumble has a very troubling question in his mind. He notices the alarming decrease in the count of fishes and decides to find out the reason for the fall in the number of fishes. To find out this, Mumble and his punk friends go to Lovelace, an astrologer penguin who claims he knows answers for all the questions put forth by any penguin. Mumble asks Lovelace, the mystery behind the fishes and suggests that the Aliens(humans) are taking it away. He also asks Lovelace to speak to the aliens. Lovelace(who actually has no special powers) says that Mumble doubted his powers and shuns him away.
But due to the determination and grit, Mumble decides to find the answer for his query. He finally sees the humans and tap-dances in front of them to make them understand that there is a problem in the Arctic. The humans send a voice receiver set along with Mumble back to Arctic to trace him to his colony. They find the colony and decide to stop the fishing in the Artic.
Mumble becomes the hero of the colony and his tap-dancing along with Gloria's sweet voice turn the colony into a place of fun and frolic.
Happy Feet is worth the watch. Everything about the movie is excellent. The toe-tempting tap dances and the cool and fresh tracks make to film an all round entertainer. Robin Willaims, Nicole kidman and Hugh Jackman include some of the stars who gave voices.