I bought a gucci tote bag for my mom on her birthday about 3 years ago and I must say that the bag is still the same as it was three years back , not even a single scratch of any loosen stipes in it .
Gucci The history of 1921 years, Gutchio Gucci returns to Florence's hometown in Italy, is the beginning of that was founded by luxury leather shop to deal with luggage and saddlery in 1923 GUCCI. The Gucci founded at that time was mainly dealing is, in the bag and its repair, which was imported from the United Kingdom, fragile place and, it is possible to study how to make the travel bag, such as what to make there, easy-to-use and durable such seems to have helped to learn the art of making a bag.
Then, leather products Florence best leather craftsmen create, it has established itself as a stretch luxury brand GUCCI in its high quality and design. In the 1950s, Hollywood actress, such as Audrey Hepburn and Elizabeth Taylor now has more fire in popularity and love Gucci. In 1997, switching the clock manufacturing that was going to license production to it and to its own production, we have established a system to provide a high quality by Gucci watch.
Such as the current also bags and wallets, including the traditional leather products, such as watches and accessories, continues to grow a lot of Gucci fans in Japan as the world of fashion brands through to small and precious metals. Gucci is referred to as the brand of the original, it is also famous for putting the name of the designer in the product for the world's first quality assurance. In addition, Balenciaga, Bottega Veneta, Yves Saint Laurent, Sergio Rossi, Boucheron, also brands such as Puma belongs to the Gucci group. A history, we say a very big brand.