Jan 09, 2018 01:06 PM
Google is a search engine platform where users can retrieve their needed
information in their hands itself.
In olden days, where we don't have Internet, on that days whenever you have done
doubt you will be asking your friends or their relatives or teachers, etc.
Once Internet has been invented anyone can access needed information within
fraction of seconds.
Feature of Google. Security Clearing History Bookmarks Saves your Passwords
Google launched many things
Many Android apps like Google Maps Google Drive Google Translate TEZ Google
Chrome, etc.
Now in Google servers entire world's hosted websites are indexed to rank first
during user search results.
Google will hire employees for the technology enhancement who was highly
talented persons.
Even payscale also high when compered to other companies.
Google provide so many benefits to their employees as well as their family
Google is the first largest search engine in the world.
Hope my opinion helps you to gain some basic knowledge about Google.