Jul 05, 2016 03:47 PM
I purchased Godrej Real Good Chicken as the store did not had any fresh meat's left. I knew that it was a company packed chicken, but I had no other option left, but to buy this chicken. The first thing I noticed was its quantity. The quantity of this chicken was less. After cooking, this chicken tasted like it was not fresh. Also while consuming this chicken, it smelled. That was the last time, I ever ate or tasted Godrej Real Good Chicken. Godrej company should take care about the freshness and quality of the chicken that is being providing to its customers. The value for money this product provides us is zero. Never buy Packed chicken, it never tastes good. Buying lively chopped chicken form the shop is always better than buying any packed chicken. Any people who wish to buy a fresh and good quality chicken, I do not recommend this chicken brand.