Dec 09, 2017 10:10 PM
Internet has changed everyone's life drastically we are now in the era where jut one click we can send the messages and now we do not need to wait for a long time to send a message from one person to other. If we talk about which is the best Email site then the answer is Gmail and beside that if we talk about most popular Email site then also the answer will be Gmail . Gmail provide a very simple way to send emails and is very user friendly a new user can easily send and receive emails . Now if we talk about ease of installation then it is really very easy just enter your full name, username and password and phone number(optional) . Now coming to features and function then I tell you Gmail is very safe and protective your emails will be safe and secure . Now if we talk about a thing that email do not support is that we cannot track whether the emails are read by the receiver or not but not problem just download a Email tracker extension from google web store and you are done now you can track your emails beside that email provide very convenient Formatting features and you can make your emails look beautiful and Gmail server is very up to date with no lags and server problems that a yahoo user will definitely face as I have experience with both gmail and yahoo I know and gaurantee that Gmail is alot better:) And last the service and support of gmail is very good you will get your problem solved within 24 hours without any hassle or confusion:)
Hope you like my review .