With the leading actor abhimanyu Singh this movie had a lot of potential with the story lines based on sensitive matter on religion and politics with it which is very interesting to watch like in movies like oh my god or PK the which are ready good movie and the theme itself only encourages you to go and watch this movie.
The reason for me to give it a shot and when I saw this movie I was utterly disappointed. The movie had noting to offer to bits viewers and it was not at all entertaining, many a times I felt bored with the movie but yes abhimanyu has done a good job when you talk about acting.
I was not very god fan of music and so was the whole movie. I was really expecting more from this move but the storyline is really well and I really didn't enjoyed it and I am quite sure neither any of the other people going to watch this movie.
In my opinion not worth the time and your money.