There are many consoles in the market that are replicas of very good consoles and thus is one of those replicas and are in my opinion are totally worthless if you are an adult or a teenager as the games you get on this device are really not good at all and so is the game graphics and the screen quality will totally disappoint you will not enjoy it. Its not worth the price if you are thinking to buy it for yourself.
You don't have much options when it comes to the games and the battery backup is bad almost 1 hour and unless if you are buying it for your kid or a child its really not worth investing your money. Its very weak and will break if you will drop it from even a waist hight and there are very high chances of screen getting cracked and not only that of you are playing hard with the buttons they will break too. The lifetimes of this device is not more than 3 months of you like playing games a lot. So in my opinion buy a quality one whose replica it is that is the PS if possible as it not a very god device.