Jul 06, 2009 10:46 PM
(Updated Jul 06, 2009 10:49 PM)
I am always searching for the perfect product to do my washing and am a bit of a laundry snob. With that said I believe that Gain does a sufficient job of doing my washing. The true test of a laundry detergent is over a long period of time to see if it continues to get your laundry clean or leaves it dingy. I am athletic and love to trail run. The true test if a detergent will work is with my white athletic socks and if the detergent will get them clean which Gain does a sufficient job of it.
I have noticed no fading of my colors thus far with using Gain either. I live in a soft water area and have a top loading machine. I have found that by using 1/2 the recommended amount of washing powder for a medium sized load is sufficient in getting my clothing clean (so 1/4 cup of washing powder, your results may vary depending on your machine and water hardness).
Gain is the budget product made by P&G, the makers of Tide. Gain has far more fragrance added than Tide. To me, if clothing is strongly scented after the washing, that is residue left behind on your clothing. So while I like clothing "lightly" scented and fresh, if it is too strong that means the detergent didn't rinse out well. Thus using half the recommended amount. If you have a front loading machine, then I would suggest using only about 2 Tablespoons of detergent. Consumer Reports just came out with this info recently to back up my claims, and it is what I have been doing all along.
I use the washing powder instead of the liquid. I have found over the years that liquid detergents are better for greasy type stains, and powders are better for ground in dirt. Since we seem to have more ground in dirt type stains in our household and the powder is a little more economical I stick with it.
I have read reviews where people had issues with it rinsing out of their clothing. I have found this is the case with a lot of people that use liquid detergents of any brand. With the new concentrated formulas the caps are still the same size as with the old standard formula. Many people still fill the cap up all the way and overdose on detergent. If you read the directions on the back, you will see for a LARGE size load it only takes about 1/2 of a capfull to do your laundry. If I were to use the liquid, I would only be using about 1/8 cup of laundry, instead of the 1/2 cup measure the caps hold, but I digress...
With that said, my socks come out mostly clean. Compared to other detergents it does a better job than many of the bargain brands. I will continue to use Gain in my laundry as long as I find it on sale. I am not particularly brand loyal as much as I am loyal to my pocketbook and finding bargains. I find that Gain is on sale more than Tide is, so I stock up with sales and coupons. With that said, it works out to be about 8 cents a load for me the way that I do laundry. If you follow their directions for a medium load that is about 16 cents a load, compared to Tide which is more than double in cost per load.
Gain removes ground in dirt and also the nasty funky smell my athletic wear gets. There are many scents to choose from with Gain. I find the original fragrance is stronger than some of the others. I think that comes down to personal preference which scent you choose. I feel all the formulas are pretty much the same as far as performance goes. I have used the vanilla orchid, fresh water with baking soda, original and apple mango tango in the past. They are all pleasant if I don't overdose on the detergent and they are able to rinse cleanly. I don't mind a little fragrance in my clothing but if I were to use a full dose on my laundry I feel it might be a little too strongly scented.
On average I can find a 32 use box of gain for about $5 in most stores on sale. With the way I wash, that comes out to be a 64 use box of detergent. Even with half dosing, my clothing is fresh and clean and they remain fresh hung in the closet afterwards. I am pleased with the product and will continue to purchase while on sale.