Dec 18, 2002 02:44 PM
(Updated Dec 18, 2002 02:44 PM)
What is it? If you luv, you would love too. A similar member-to-member site but with a difference. In funtrivia, it’s all about quizzes. Quizzes as many as you can find, on as varied topics as you seek and as many questions as you can answer.
What does it provide This is a monster of a quiz site. Like MS, this site too requires a membership which is free or paid -for depending on the services and features you seek. Once you register, you get an e-mail id and your own members page where you can tart palying the quizzes. A scorecard is always displayed along with a worldwide ranking, an accuracy percentile and the next five rankers ahead of you. From this page u have the option of choosing any category you want for playing a quiz. Most of the quizzes are on a multiple choice format. Answers are displayed once you finish a quiz, along with the level of difficulty based on attempts by other quizzers and an average score. Scores are accumulated and the member's page refreshed for your latest score.
How to Play Like MS, there is a 5-point ranking system; from Excellent down to Poor. Unlike MS, however, all quizzes are given a rank based on the ratings. So you have a No. 1 quiz and a No. 50 quiz and a No. 157890 quiz too! The top fifty ranking quizzes are highlighted. There is an Editor's pick, which is based on the voluntary editors of the site much akin to MS's star writers. They chose the quizzes based on the creative contents.
How To Create Tired of playing quizzes. Then start creating your own. The site’s members create all the quizzes. Anyone can do it! Using only your browser you can create entire trivia quizzes that will be played by anyone in the world! There are the usual guidelines to follow and its all about filling in simple text boxes! you can choose your own format for questions. Once the quiz is online (how long depends on how long the queue in that category is...the queue status is also available on the member's page). This is a site too big to comprehend in one visit. I have been a member for 3 years now and created 7 quizzes and played 277 quizzes scoring 17890 points. Whenever I am bored or restless, I head here, put my brains against some of the best in the world and score away.
The Site The layout is pretty good except the Home Page which feels cluttered up (MS scores one big one). The member's page is NEAT. (MS take a cue). Colours are red, blue and blue (Sore). MS scores better. Quizzes are in black and white with limited usage of green and red. MS scores weakly. Pretty little icons all over the site telling you what is ranked as what, is a pleasant feature. MS? Text is big and bold, clear and concise. Quizzes are clear and easy to read unless members foul up spellings and grammar. In which case, the site administrators send a note to the creator. Or, a member does. Categorizing is good but sometimes confusing. Would a Taj Mahal quiz come under India or under World Sites? There are many more features. Hope someone else talks about them in their review. But what would attract anybody is the choice of quizzes, the ease of creating them and the pleasure of playing them. This could be a time-pass site or a serious vehicle for a creative exercise. Have Fun.