I am surfing on internet to buy a trouser for daily and searching for the cheap, then I saw one trouser of the named Fubu and I heard about it first time. I saw it's material and size, it was available for my size. I asked mother to place an order for trouser of Rs. 699, she allowed me. I suddenly, placed my order for that trouser, I liked it's design.
I got notification perfectly for order placed and got my product before estimated date. I opened the packed and got shocked after seeing that the trouser us damaged piece, it has a cut mark on the pocket but it's material was nice. I contacted customer support and aksed them to exchange the produc as I got decfected piece. They promised me to exchange. Their representative arrived and taken the product back and after that many weeks passed but I didn't got an notification and again I contacted customer support then they replied me that your money to refunded to your bank account. I felt anger and tried again to order it but saw tha it was stocked out. This part irritated me most and didn't prefer to buy this brand.